Adding more SAF Tehnika to Baltic equities portfolio
Picture below presents recent additions of SAF1R, both at 6,45€. As I stated in previous Baltic equities portfolio update I expect SAF1R general meeting of shareholders to distribute dividends exceeding current market expectations thus providing current 10-15% upside potential.
Currently SAF Tehnika holds 9% portion, as calculated via initial investment, but not the current holding. For me this calculation is more useful, so I know what portion of investment I initially intended for a particular position.
Taking profits from Auga Group position
Buying AUGA Group at midsummer I managed to buy close to local bottom at 0,385. This week I exited this position taking +16,88% in profits or +107.51% CAGR at 0.45 € solely based on irrational rally out of nowhere with higher volumes.
I don’t like participating in madness, especially when I have no idea what’s it all about. Trailing valuations for Auga at 0.45 €:
- 12.6 EV/EBITDA;
- 1.18 P/tBV;
- 32.5 P/E
So I would say it’s priced at a premium compared to other Baltic stocks.
AUGA Group (AVG1L) closed week with astounding +10.11% rally and announced about upcoming extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on covering companies losses with share premium in amount of 7.1 M €. I don’t have an opinion whether these news had an impact on recent share rise.
Anyway, Auga Group stays in radar if the price returns to 0.38-0.4 € levels.
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