Generalist is the person who takes interest in many fields, but rarely achieves a competence of a specialist in one particular area.
Lab is an ad-free personal blog to examine external and internal ideas, as well as archive the most valuable lessons and resources.
I first got an idea of starting a blog writing a piece on money. I thought it contained important lessons to better future protection, I published it on local forums board, but later I started to generate more content and share it on Facebook. I did not like an idea Mark taking a cut on people’s content. Finally I understood that writing, creating, preserving this project would be a wonderful opportunity to grow as a person.
Creating a personal blog was one of my 2017 year resolutions and in July 2017 it became digital flesh.
Male, Lithuania, degree says: an engineer. I don’t buy it.
Interests, by definition, are wide. Some of them include: travel, literature, personal growth, experiments, evolution, psychology, big ideas, philosophy, exploration, technology, finance, investing, cryptocurrencies, stock markets, quality cinema, people, behavior, consciousness, future, past, present…
Passions: art, awareness, music.
Community of like minded people who admire seeing the connectivity across the wonders of life.
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