Life is filled with abstractions. And the only way we make heads or tails out of it is through intuition. Intuition is seeing the solution. It’s emotion and intellect going together – David Lynch Inescapable Reality One of 2020 year […]
Life is filled with abstractions. And the only way we make heads or tails out of it is through intuition. Intuition is seeing the solution. It’s emotion and intellect going together – David Lynch Inescapable Reality One of 2020 year […]
On my second microdosing day I bought Brake-dance lessons I'll be attending this autumn. This was my teenage years dream. This happened to be a long read. If you are not …
Perfect setting It's a workday. It was pretty stressful day, something: software, your incapabilities or faggot co-workers have pissed you off. You return home and think of ways to reset the …
Overthinking - Know the Enemy Thinking is wonderful. What our civilization has been able to achieve so far is mind-blowing. However today we, especially the new generations are faced with a …
After a brief introduction to Vipassana, in this article I will get through meditation technique, main principles of Buddhism, personal experiences of 10-day silent meditation retreat that I took and …
Authority Feeling sadness is as natural as being hungry. However prolonged periods of mental clouds are draining us. Sadness and depression should not be mixed. I have never been diagnosed with …