Perfect setting
It’s a workday. It was pretty stressful day, something: software, your incapabilities or faggot co-workers have pissed you off. You return home and think of ways to reset the dead brain. You come up with wonderful idea to go out for a jog. After you come back, physical exhaustion have already done it’s ways. You put your stinky wet clothing on the balcony, glance at the evening sky color palette:

And get reminded of just the perfect composition to accompany the monumental moment.
Interlude by Tom Day and Monsoonsiren
It feel like this composition has gotten too little attention. Everyone I shared it with personally had an overwhelmingly positive feedback. Ambient soundscape, piano keystrokes echoing, sublime vocals and a subtle bass line that is created by the same piano. I hope you do have quality speakers to experience it all.
How we met
My music taste is very wide as you will see in the years to come. My beloved playlist contains compositions, not artists. I could enjoy one piece of an artists, but be totally indifferent for the rest of his/her discography. Tom Day makes an exception with impressive 8 tracks in total that have made through my picky taste:
- Echoes
- Flemington
- Never Give Up
- Love is Rare (with Monsoonsiren)
- We Watched the Clouds Form Shapes
- Elegiac
- and finally the one, that today counts 30M views on youtube, from the early 2012: Who We Want to Be
Tom Day Profile

Tom is Aussie solo producer. Apparently started creating music to procrastinate on his medical PhD. As far as I know he doesn’t have any musical training. Yet here we are.
In on of articles I spotted the formula:
science = no emotion; music = a lot of it. Sweet.
Tom’s website for further dive. Enjoy the weekend.
More selected musical picks.
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