Game theory
I’m trying to remember the first time I started digging in game theory. It might have been after the second or third time I saw “A Beautiful Mind“. I got curious what problems John Nash, Nobel prize winner, was actually trying to puzzle out. And there it was – game theory – a detailed strategy, mathematical solution to various life choices. Got few hours of youtube lectures under my belt at that time I occasionally met these concepts in other lectures.
When I was a teenager I noticed the most virtuous currency – trust. At that time I was thinking of personal relationships, but over time, seeing how society things works, nothing particularly changed and today, same as years ago, I account trust to be a knot holding society together. Because if you and me are enemies by default, we would expend much greater resources on various self-defense mechanisms instead of allocating those to benefit us both.
It’s pretty much safe to say. The more interpersonal reliability there is in society, the more prosperous society seems to be. Data source: Our world in data
Actual game
This is by far the best presentation I have encountered to explain what game theory is with a very meaningful case example of trust. I encourage you play around. Nicky Case (Patreon link) did a wonderful job! The Evolution of Trust.
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